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Shin Splints
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J Dawg

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Posted: Wed Jun 7, 2006


Just as an aside before I ramble, I am missing DUC dearly! Playing in the North Bay League on two teams, so games 4x a week, pretty intense, and bigtime lack of spirit so far (insert thumbs down icon if it existed!)

Being a runner, as well as horseback rider, I have over developed calf muscles big time. Known that forever and always gotten shin splints, but I have never tried taping them.

Anyone know how? I've looked online and although I may have found something, anything that's proven helps too!! Asking you guys because as ultimate players and running around like the maniacs we do, I hoped someone would have has the similar (unfortunate!) problem.

Tootles, and hopefully I can get down south for a weekend soon and play a game, and sing a damn song, wow does that ever make a difference! ha ha who'da known I'd miss singing!!

Alex Sisson

DUC Hunters
Posts: 112

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Posted: Wed Jun 7, 2006

Hi J Dawg,
I've also had a long history of shin splints, and I found that once I got my first pair of orthotics (foot supports), they mostly went away. They're expensive, but well worth it. In my case, I am slightly flat footed, and I guess the way I ran put pressure on my shins which caused the pain.

Hope that helps!

J Dawg

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Posted: Wed Jun 7, 2006

I totally agree better footwear would definitely help, because the cleats don't provide much support one bit. Inserts, especially "good" ones for my flat feet would make a world of difference I am sure.

But for now I am tied to taping and ice ice ice. Rest isn't looking like an option and for now the pain is still bearable. I want to try not to rely on the taping, but for short time, tape it is looking like.
Mark Lyon
Sofa King Ultimate
Posts: 22

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Posted: Wed Jun 7, 2006

I have been searching hi and low for something to help me with this as well. It has been to the point a few times that I cannot hold my own weight with the amount of pain. I got new shoes, and find that it helped prolong the onset, but eventually every couple weeks the searing pain comes back. I am trying two different excercises that I have heard mentioned at least a few times each by different people..
1) Calf extensions.. simply go from flat foot up onto your toes, then back. 2) sit on a chair put a towel on the floor and use your toes to scrunch the towel up under your feet, for some reason this seems to be the most popular response I get when I ask people. Still searching as well though.

Dicki LeRoy

DUC Hunters
Posts: 163

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Last Updated: Wed Jun 7, 2006

Hey! Now i'm no professional, but I do know the best way to help treat shin splints is simple. Most people who have delt with sports injury know of the R.I.C.E. method. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). This should be done on and off as much as possible for the first 48-72 hours. Once most of the pain has passed in the first 72 hours, switch to a heat and deep massage therapy. Before and after you play use a heat pack for 5 minutes on the shins and calves, then massage deeply the area you have most troubles with. This should keep the problem from reoccuring. I have read this before and have heard the same thing on the other side of the curtain at physio..haha. It should work. Then take Alex's (fat dog's) advice by eventually getting orthotics. They do magic for not only shin splints but prevent new injuries due to compensation and keeping your spine aligned. Contrary to what people say, shin splints are not spurs or chips of the shin bones (tibia and fibula) It's the tendons being torn away from the bone. Good luck with the do it yourself physio!!

now...anyone know how to make a good cassarole?!
and that's my two cents.
Kristy S
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Breaking Bad
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Posted: Wed Jun 7, 2006

Unfortunately the only thing to get rid of shin splints is rest
there are a couple exercises you can try. The ones mentioned above are also good to try.
keep the ice and rest going as well.

Try sitting down with one foot in front of you and the other foot out of the way. Grab a rubber tube or theraband,(something with an elastic feel) wrap it around the toes of your foot and then point your toes causing a resistance in the band. Then relax your foot again. Repeat that a few times. ALso make sure you do both feet. LOL

Before each game you play, make your warm up about 10 minutes longer than normal. Warm your body up gradually, start with a jog, and eventually end in mimiking some jumps, start stops, and turns as if you were already playing on the field.

Doing a good warm up should put some ease into your step, and help keep away the actual pain of shin splints. Also... a good stretch before and after each game is needed! Stretching after a game will help prevent stiffness and muscle soreness later on.

Another trick (that i sometimes use is ibrophen (sp?) )

I hope some of this will help. It may not prevent shin splints but will decrease the severety of it.

Good Luck!

Dicki LeRoy

DUC Hunters
Posts: 163

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Posted: Wed Jun 7, 2006

Also...doobie (the duc does not condone the illegal use of marajuana, nore are they liable if such acts are committed. It is strickly prohibited on DUC fields)....but I can't speak for other leagues let's say...north of the Durham Region .

Iain Burnett
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Victorious Secret
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Posted: Thu Jun 8, 2006

Easiest way to get rid of them. Punch the person who has them in the shoulder.. then they wont think about the shin splints, but the pain in their shoulder.. Just make sure after you punch you step back out od punching range as this sometimes can bite you in the a** for helping....

Best way to get rid of them... Proper footwear. shoes are ment to last you 3-6 months MAX!!! yes.. MAX.. if you have shin splints, try getting a new set of shoes to run on. Orthodics are also a great buy as you might be flat footed or have WAY too much of an arch(darren).
Icing does help but not all that much. Its more of a temporary fix that will take away some of the pain.
The BEST way to get rid of them.. REST... DO not run on them for a few weeks.. they will go away eventually. Bescuse running is such high impact on your feet/legs/back/hell your body, the more you do, the longer they will take to heal.

Hope it helps! Thank Darren for this Info.. he's been suffering from this for years.. Baseball players.. sheesh..
J Dawg

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Posted: Fri Jun 9, 2006

Release the Hounds wrote:
Also...doobie (the duc does not condone the illegal use of marajuana, nore are they liable if such acts are committed. It is strickly prohibited on DUC fields)....but I can't speak for other leagues let's say...north of the Durham Region ;) .


Ha ha, my one team here in North Bay *is* called The Buckets, so we sort of blow our cover on that one, but would never do such a thing on the field! ha ha.

I did tape myself up last night for yet another brutal game (played the #1 A team in the league for the many years) and got trampled like 15-4. But I felt good with the tape, stretched like mad before and after, so hopefully I can manage them this way as the dreaded rest isn't too much of an option!

Thanks folks.

and as a PS, I have two DUC discs up here with me and they are getting attention! IMO they're a better disc (NBUPA plays with discraft) and people see the DUC logo on top and are like "Oh, you played for DUC?" so then I ramble about the league, and the songs (and better spirit!) getting the good name out there, ha ha! I do need to get new discs soon though.

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