Legit beef...or crotchety old guy? You decide.
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Mark Crawford
Team Admin
Huck University
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Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018

I will proactively take the heat for any complaints received after todays 1pm game on the middle field. It was I who suggested to the bleacher full of soccer parents that perhaps they "parent" instead of watching their kids and soccer balls repeatedly stray into the end-zone while we were playing. Obviously they had no concern for the interruptions to our game, but at the very least, they could feign interest in the safety of their children. I suppose the proper course of action would have been to lodge a formal complaint through DUC instead...my bad.

As for errant soccer balls...I would love to hear other's thoughts. I am inclined to live by road hockey rules...you shot it, you go get it. In my estimation we have been far too accommodating since there does not appear to be any effort made to prevent balls from going under the meshing. Can they not stack their bags along the mesh?

Why are we stopping our games cold every time a ball comes over? Assuming there is no danger, could we not simply usher it to the nearest sideline and play on? Of late, the soccer players seem to just stand there, safe in the knowledge that we will deliver the ball back to them without any inconvenience whatsoever.

Take issue with my sportsmanship if you like, but I'm done being a doormat for a demographic that shows zero regard for the teams they share space with...self absorbed parents and Messi wannabes alike.

Paul Atkinson
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Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018

It's funny that you bring this up, I was thinking the exact same thing during our noon game on the same field ( Unlike you I didn't have an old man outburst at the parents). It's certainly annoying but I am not sure what the solution is, I thought the soccer balls were kicked over the mesh more often then it coming through the mesh ( at least in our game) which means that bags on the mesh wouldn't be super helpful.

I think it's just one of those things that we have to deal with. Kick the ball over to the sideline and play on.

Side note: When I saw the title of the post I thought for sure it would either be from Boyer or Manny.
Kevin MacLeod
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Sunday Indies 2017
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Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018

I also thought this would be a post from Manny, but I guess Crawford is getting up there too.
If a ball is kicked over the net during a game we should continue to play our game unless the ball remains on the field and is a safety issue for us. The soccer players can walk around to retrieve their ball. I would expect they would do the same if an errand pass of ours takes the disc onto their field.

If, however, we are playing a game and they are kicking it around in the endzone please tell them to stop. I have already told the soccer club director about this and he said he would see what he can do but obviously that message is not making its way down to the soccer coaches. There is a head soccer guy, tall guy with dark hair, at the games that we should direct complaints at as often as possible. kids playing in the end zone and balls coming on to our field are dangerous situations. On the Sundays and Thursdays I have played I have had to talk with kid's coaches, kid's parents and also adult soccer players to tell them to stay off the field and to refrain from warming up in the endzones. In some cases I have had to talk to them twice within the first minute. The first time I am polite and the second time I am a little bit more forceful.

If we all pitch in to warn them here and there perhaps they will eventually get the message. Next season we will consider booking all three fields at the same time for the Sunday time slot. This will of course make it more difficult for the players that play on two teams to make both games because we would only need 3 time slots instead of 5.

So in summary, Please complain to the tall soccer guy as often as possible so that he gets the message and continue to warn everyone else of the dangers.
Andre Tacchino
White- The Cool Cats
Posts: 2

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Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018

I too was at the 1pm game and experienced the incursions. I on the other hand felt that our handeling of the situation was not the most understanding. The shots coming over the mesh are not intentional. In playground rules you kick the ball back in the direction it came. It is both faster and easier for us to push the ball back their way than it is for them to get around the mesh and retrieve the ball.

If the plan is to continue play if the ball does not interfere then we should all jut play on. But if we do get their ball we should push it back in their direction.

As for players warming up in the ends zones I agree they should move. There is a lot of space on the east and west sidelines to warm up. They do not need to be in the end zone.
Andre Tacchino
White- The Cool Cats
Posts: 2

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Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018

I too was at the 1pm game and experienced the incursions. I on the other hand felt that our handeling of the situation was not the most understanding. The shots coming over the mesh are not intentional. In playground rules you kick the ball back in the direction it came. It is both faster and easier for us to push the ball back their way than it is for them to get around the mesh and retrieve the ball.

If the plan is to continue play if the ball does not interfere then we should all jut play on. But if we do get their ball we should push it back in their direction.

As for players warming up in the ends zones I agree they should move. There is a lot of space on the east and west sidelines to warm up. They do not need to be in the end zone.

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