Last minute Reminders for Indoor More News

First of all, and most importantly, do not come if you are sick.

Be prepared that if you have not filled in the javelin app that you will not be playing. Be aware that you cannot fill in the Javelin app until the day of the game, assuming that your captain has inputted the scheduled game.

Bring your own sanitizer. The dome will have sanitizer at the main doors but not at fields. DUC is not providing sanitizer as we did not include this in the cost. We believe that it is safer that you all have your own sanitizer rather than DUC providing one bottle that everyone has to touch.  

Substitute players are not allowed. I am sure throughout the season there may be games where you are short some players and you may lose because you are too tired, but this is just the way it is. Be happy that you are playing and getting some good exercise. If you do not have enough to play the correct ratio then just default the game and play a game for fun.

Wear masks when entering and exiting the fields. Do not enter the dome until 10 minutes or less before your game. And exit the dome immediately after your game.

Have fun!!

Posted by Kevin MacLeod, Created Sat Oct 24, 2020