Indoor Update More News

Hi folks, I hope you are enjoying playing the indoor ultimate as much as I am. As you may know on Monday, Durham will move to level orange, which as far as I can see changes nothing with respect to what we are doing. I do, however, wish to stress the importance of everyone being as safe as possible. It is imperative that players get in the habit of sanitizing their hands after points and before touching their water bottles. Even if you feel it is not necessary please do it for those of us who think it is important. I also need teams to start sanitizing discs and switching them in at convenient times. I usually sanitize my hands and then grab a disc and wipe the extra on the disc. And then as I wait to go back on the field I watch for a turnover to switch in the disc. Each team, as a minimum, should be switching in a sanitized disc at least 5 times per game. If each team accomplishes this then you will have switched out the disc about every 5 minutes or so. 

Thank you to those players who have chosen to miss a game here or there to take care of a cold and keep us all safe! 

Captains please continue to check off players on the Javelin app as this is a requirement of public health and could prove very useful if someone in the league was to get covid. 

Good Luck tomorrow!!

Posted by Kevin MacLeod, Created Sat Nov 14, 2020