DUC update More News

Hey folks, I am just reaching out to let you know that I am hopeful that we will be able to play ultimate this summer by as early as mid July. As you know all the reopening steps are linked to the number of vaccines administered so it is hard to predict for sure when we will move into the next steps.  This Friday, Ontario will enter into step 1 of the reopening map and then it is possible that we might be in Step 2 twenty one days later (by early/mid July). Step 2 does list team sports as being allowed but it does not mention what group sizes the sports will be allowed to run. I expect as a minimum it will be cohorts of 50 (which means 4 teams of 12) which is what we ran last August and September. Although, there are still lots of unknowns, I think it is a good time to reach out to your team mates and start having conversations about who is going to play and who is not. When it is safe to reopen I will want to do so fairly quickly so the more organized your team is the better. I will also likely run an individuals team for anyone who finds themselves without a full team.  For those that decide not to play summer we hope to see you later in the year for indoor. 

Cheers for now!!

Posted by Kevin MacLeod, Created Mon Jun 7, 2021